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Deepening Our Walk

Draw near to God, and He will draw near to you.

James 4.8

Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.

Psalm 119.105

What is God’s will for your life, anyway?  What is God’s plan, not just for this world, but for you and your family in particular?

Jesus who died and rose again has promised those who believe in Him a place in His Father’s Kingdom forever, but not only that—He has also promised to walk with us each day here on earth. He shows us His will and guides our footsteps in His path, giving us hope in every circumstance.

In groups both large and small, the people of Good Hope gather around the Word of God, seeking to learn His will and apply it to our own lives. Come and be a part!

Bible studies are held each and every Sunday morning, starting at 9 am, for God’s children of all ages.

There are two adult classes, with a nursery available during the school year so that parents of toddlers can join in. Topics vary during the year, but center on the practical application of the Bible to daily life.

The youth of the congregation meet in their own Youth Room, in our newly remodeled basement. Classes are lighthearted, but seek to combine a growing knowledge of the Bible with the issues students regularly face at school and in the wider world.

Children of the church have age-appropriate Sunday School classes. Someone is always on hand to direct parents to the classrooms, and introduce them to their child’s teacher.

Pizza and Jesus takes place the 2nd and 4th Sundays of the month during the school year, starting each evening at 7 pm.

Pizza and Jesus is pretty much just what it sounds like–young people grades 7 through 12 get pizza to eat, a Bible to read, and some games to play. We talk about faith and hang out together for about an hour, and end with prayer.

All young people are welcome!

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Teen Breakfast is a very popular youth ministry of the church, which has been offered every year for over a decade.

Thursday mornings during the school year, students grades 7 through 12 come to our Fellowship Hall for a free breakfast. As breakfast is winding down, the Bible study begins–a brief look at Scripture, and how it might apply to the school day ahead.

Students are out the door and on their way to class, in time for the 8 am bell.

Confirmation is a course of study, focused on the Bible and built around the Small Catechism of Martin Luther, and traditionally offered to young people during their junior high years.

Confirmation is a two-year course of study! And it meets for an hour each week. 

Parents who may be interested in confirmation class for their young person are encouraged to contact Pastor Steve at the church.

Members and friends are encouraged to read the Bible each day in the privacy of their own home, and to reflect prayerfully on its message.

A guide to Bible reading can be downloaded from the Northwestern Ohio synod website.

Go here to the “Synod Wide Through the Bible in One Year.” That page will then provide various downloads to get you going in your reading.

Please note this site encourages you not only to read the Bible, but also to meet with others to talk about what you’ve read. No one is a Christian alone! We follow Jesus, as part of a community of faith.

For adults who want a deeper dive into all things related to the Christian faith, the Northwestern Ohio Synod (to which Good Hope belongs) offers a two-year intensive known as Diakonia (diakonia is the Greek word for ministry).

Diakonia meets via Zoom on Thursday evenings from 6 to 9 pm, and there are prerequisites before one can enroll!

For more information, visit the Northwestern Ohio Synod website at, and / or call the church office at 419.365.5582.

The men of the church meet the first Sunday of the month at 7 pm, in the Fellowship Hall of the church.

We pray together, and are currently working our way through the Gospel of Mark.

In addition, the men’s group hosts several meals at the church each year, including the Hog Roast in the fall, and a supper each spring during Lent.

We’re just a bunch of guys, and very informal! Come down any time.

The Women’s Discipleship Bible Study meets the 4th Monday of the month at 6:45 pm, in the Fellowship Hall.