Good Hope Lutheran Church
300 South Main Street, Arlington, Ohio
Informal Saturday Night Worship, 5 pm
Sunday Morning Worship, 7:30 am and 10 am
Sunday Morning Bible Study, 9 am
Welcome to Good Hope Lutheran Church, where faith, community, and service converge. Our church is dedicated to fostering a strong sense of belonging and connection within Arlington. We provide a range of activities and services aimed at enriching the lives of our members and the community at large. From our vibrant youth ministry to our community outreach programs, we strive to make a positive impact. Whether you’re looking for clear online donation options, engaging church events, or a place for spiritual growth, Good Hope Lutheran Church is here to welcome you. Join us as we grow together in faith and community.

Welcome to the new year of grace!

After all the special celebrations surrounding the Christmas season, for us as Christians it is now our duty and delight to get back to the work our God has given us to do.
Yes, our duty! The hungry need fed, and the lonely befriended. Children must be taught the word of God by adults willing to set the example themselves. We gather to worship, then go out to serve, we belong to Jesus now, and this now is our duty.
But it is also our delight! We are loved by this One who died and rose again, and nothing is more fulfilling than those moments we can share His love with each other, and the world.
Come be a part and see for yourself! And God be with you in this new year of our Lord.
Church Calendar
- SU
- MO
- TU
- WE
- TH
- FR
- SA
- 26
- 27
- 28
- 29
- 30
- 31
- 1
Saturday Evening Casual Worship
- 2
7:30am Sunday Worship
Sunday School
10am Sunday Worship
Men’s Group
- 3
Trustee Meeting
- 4
Bell Choir
Boy Scouts
- 5
Sewing Ladies
Parish Ed. meeting
- 6
Teen Breakfast
- 7
- 8
1:00 Cards & Cookies
Saturday Evening Casual Worship
- 9
7:30am Sunday Worship
Sunday School
10am Sunday Worship
11 Congreg. Meeting
2:00 Bell (FH)
- 10
Council Meeting
- 11
Bell Choir
Boy Scouts
- 12
Sewing Ladies
- 13
Teen Breakfast
Food Pantry
- 14
- 15
12:00 SWAG
Saturday Evening Casual Worship